Thursday, June 07, 2007

I swear they weren't there yesterday...

I have 3, count 'em 3, long hairs on my face. These aren't the normal dark coarse ones that sprout from the mole on my chin and that I pluck on on a weekly basis (yech). No, these are baby fine to the point of being nearly invisible. However, these suckers are each at least an inch long. Where did they come from? Are they some kind of magical quick-growing hair? Is this going to be my future? Will I wake up one morning covered in baby-fine fur?

Inquiring minds...


Anonymous said...

symbiotic alien life form feeding off your subdermis. harmless really, until they hit bone ... then they sting like tiny weasels and you have to have them surgically removed.

or, i suppose it could just be the pregnancy hormones. nah, most likely the alien weasels.

Builder Mama said...

Yup, alien weasels. They were at my house last week too.