Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This is new and different

We made it to the zoo on Sunday. S. and L. had a ball playing in the water sprinklers (who needs to see monkeys when you can watch a pack of half-dressed kids getting soaked). Unfortunately, the festivities had to be cut a trifle short due to *ahem* intestinal problems. Turns out that the same hormone surges that cause morning sickness can also trigger *ahem* intestinal issues. New one on me, but I am getting to experience it firsthand. blech

I still haven't put a call in to the doc yet. Perhaps end of June, I'll call to get set up as an ob patient. I'm in absolutely no hurry to go in (heck, it's been 2 years since my last PAP), but I guess I ought to before too long.

When I was pregnant with S. and then with L., I had a call in to our doc before the urine had dried on the stick. I'm much more relaxed this go around. For example, I had a nausea-free day today (until about 2 minutes ago, yuck). Instead of fretting that there was something wrong, I've enjoyed actually feeling good while pregnant. This is a rare, rare thing for a gal who had 6 months of severe morning sickness with each of her two pregnancies.


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