Thursday, September 28, 2006

I've been working here waaaaaaaay too long

It's half an hour (give or take) before I head out of here for a fun-filled week of Disney and Florida sunshine lack of rain. In anticipation of my trip, I've spent time on the National Hurricane Center's website. Am I checking to make sure tropical depression 9 (now Tropical Storm Isaac) isn't going to make our travel difficult? No. I'm reading the weather discussions trying to decide whether there's enough potential activity in the Atlantic, that something could come in through the Gulf of Mexico, thus affecting my company. I'm fixing up my databases so that we're prepared in the event a hurricane roars through while I'm gone for a week.

What kind of a message am I sending? I can't even slack off getting ready for vacation like a normal person (of course, there is the blog...). Of course, I'm on my co-workers' hit lists for singing the Mickey Mouse theme song to anyone who wanders by. It probably all evens out.

I am excited about meeting a PIM on this trip! We've got it all arranged for Saturday morning, and I am antsy with excitement! Mr. W. is less than pleased, but he's humoring me somewhat. He just cannot get it through his head that I am very good friends with 60 or so women I have never met face to face. Ah, well, if he can't be nice during this little get-together, I will simply HAVE to stomp on his toes.

It will be good to be unplugged and away. This is my first week long vacation where I will not have my laptop or any way to dial in to the office! Woo-hoo! Of course, this means no blogging while I'm gone. My loyal reader (hi, Mom!) will have to do without my wit and wisdom for a week, LOL.



M-I-C See you real soon! K-E-Y Why? Because we like you. M-O-U-S-E


Gretchen said...

Have a super time!

TxGambit said...

I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

Hope you are having a blast.