Tuesday, November 28, 2006

From green to red in one morning...

S. made it all the way to red at school yesterday well before lunch. Her usual m.o. of backtalking and open defiance lasted all blooming day long yesterday. After the agonies of getting her ready this morning, I suspect today will be something of a repeat.

We put her to bed early last night, thinking a large part of the problem was a lack of sleep. Instead of sacking out, she managed to stay awake in her bed for a good hour. She spent the morning refusing to get out of bed, refusing to get dressed, refusing to come out from under the Christmas tree, refusing, refusing, refusing. The major consequence is that her hair is not braided. She loves having her hair in one long braid down her back and lost that due to a lack of time. I enjoy the time spent braiding her hair, but it seemed like a logical consequence for taking so very long to get dressed.

When we got to school, I had her apologize to her teacher for being so disrespectful yesterday. S. and her teachers have been informed that if she messes around during naptime again today, her Nemo blanket would go into timeout. Pretty much everything is fair game for timeout with the exception of her little security blanket, and I specifically mentioned that to her afternoon and morning teachers. S. has also been promised some red Kool-Aid if she stays on green or yellow today.

I really hope this works. Overall, S. is a great kid, and I hate to see her getting into so much trouble...



Builder Mama said...

I swear it's the 5-year-old factor. Since turning five on the 19th, Monkey Man has been downright unbearable. Sassy, rebellious, you name it.

Good thing they're so cute or they'd never make it to 6.

joansy said...

I hope today went well. It's amazing how strong willed they can be - and usually about the stupidest shit. Hang in there.