Monday, May 28, 2007

Oh boy...

or girl...

Yeppers, that there is a positive pregnancy test. I think I've lost my mind to want a third child. If I could be 100% positive that this little bean will 'stick' I think I'd be over the moon (as well as into the toilet). As it is, I'm cautiously very happy.

I haven't really made the announcement with my family, so we'll see if any of them are still reading the bloggy wog. Personally, I think they got bored and forgot all about it, LOL.

It's the wee small hours, and I should be in bed sleeping. However, there are too many things turning round in my head not to mention my stomach.
Let the pukefest begin!


Anonymous said...

congrats! i'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes without a hitch ... and i really am willing to keep my fingers crossed the whole time. you can thank me later. ;-)

we seriously considered a third child ... then decided against. now i'm neutered, so the wife gets her baby fix through neighbors and friends.

Tree said...


Unknown said...