I had the BIG u/s on Thursday. After waffling for weeks, I decided to go ahead and find out if the bean has girl parts or boy parts. Mr. W. wanted to find out and the poor guy had to miss the u/s, so I had pity on him.
We are infanticipating a 3rd little girl. In celebration of this occasion, Mr. W. proposed we rename the elder two Flora and Fauna and name this little sprite Merryweather in honor of Sleeping Beauty. He is such a funny, funny man. The baby appears to be absolutely perfect.
I decided that since Mr. W. couldn't go to the show, he should get SOME kind of a surprise. On the way home from my appointment, I told him that while everything looked perfect with the little bean, the legs were crossed the entire time. heh heh heh
So I popped into a party shop and purchased a dozen helium filled pink balloons. Watching me try to stuff those into the cab of Mr. W.'s pickup truck provided entertainment for several hanging out in the parking lot. I drove on home and managed to haul the balloons out of the truck and into the house. Kudos to me for only breaking 2 during this process, LOL. The balloons were set up in the middle of our living room with the u/s picture stating the bean was a girl.
Mr. W. and S. walked in and S. chirped, 'Birthday balloons!!!!'
Mr. W. looked at me quite puzzled. I told him to take a look at the card... He has since accused me of being verrrryyyy sneaky. I think he enjoyed the surprise. The girls definitely enjoyed the balloons. S. is over the moon about having another sister. As the eldest sister, she predicts (quite accurately) that she will someday have a room to herself while the younger 2 will eventually have to share. smartypants.
Anyhoo, I had an ob appointment Friday morning, where the topic of contractions and preterm labor came up. Now, I am one of those oddballs who has tons of contractions all through the pregnancy only to go past term and wind up delivering after hours of pitocin. My u/s was even delayed a few minutes because the contractions interfered with the doc's measurements. This is completely normal for me. However, my ob is new to my weirdness, LOL. Despite my assurances, he strongly encouraged me to let him get an u/s measurement of my cervical length. He was pretty shocked with what he saw, LOL. He was looking for anything over 3 cm. Mine is (in his words) a county fair award winning 5 and some change cm. Wonder if that has anything to do with me needing 7 hours' pitocin drip for the silly thing to open up...
ps. I'm still off my meds and have only been sick 3 or 4 times over the past week (including once this morning, but that's okay).