Friday, November 19, 2010

Unsolicited Text Spam

I'm fighting mad now. Somehow, my cell phone number (which has been on the do-not-call list for years) has become a target for text spam. After much hair pulling and digging around, I found where you, the consumer, can file a complaint online:

So far, I've submitted one very long complaint as the spammer keeps changing the number appearing on caller id. The FCC provided a nice cover sheet so I can fax additional information as it becomes available (which I have used). As well, I received a letter through the mail detailing my complaint.

Here's hoping this government entity actually does what it is tasked to do. In the meantime, for those of you experiencing this violation of federal law (unsolicited texting), feel free to use the link above to file your own complaint.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


L. has a best buddy, P., who she claims she will marry some day.

While walking along behind L. and P. (who were holding hands, awwwww), I overheard L. telling P. all about their future life together.

L.: When we grow up and get married, then your little brother will be my brother! For real!!!
P.: Can we count now?
L. & P.: 1, 2, 3, 4...

They pooped out on the counting right around 48.

P. is an adorable little boy, but I hope he and L. never date. I want to use him as a spy on the boys she does wind up dating some day...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun is when...

your 2 year old begins to quack like a duck...


longly ...

in church ....

during service ...

while Communion is being served.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I could really use something caffeinated right now...

Latest checkup at the doc's office showed quite a spike in my blood pressure. It came down during the visit, but taking measurements at home show a bp flitting and flying up, down and all around.

Sooo, in the spirit of being proactive, and in the hopes of avoiding a heart attack any time soon, I am changing my diet. OUT goes the caffeine, DOWN goes the sodium, UP goes the potassium, veggies and fruits.

In a week and a half, I've managed to lose 5 pounds and find a caffeine headache. Ouch!

The headache is absolutely not helped by the fact I was rear-ended last week while stopped for a traffic light. BANG went the car, POP went my back, and CRACKLE went my neck. BLEEEEEEEEEPPPP went my mouth. I have multiple reasons for being grateful the kids were not in the car with me. Not the least of which is that they would have expanded their vocabulary quite a bit that day. I don't normally swear, but boy did I let loose after that fender bender.

Monday, February 01, 2010

And I never knew her name

I came across unexpected, and very sad news in the internet universe last week. A lady who frequently posted on a blog I regularly read passed away unexpectedly. She was 40.

It struck me that even though I never conversed with her (even on the blog), and she wouldn't have known of my existence, I feel her loss. Her postings were always lively, uplifting and forthright. She made a positive impact on dozens of people who she literally never met.

If you're the praying sort, say a little prayer for Gayle Broadbent-Ferris' family. They must miss her sorely.

If you have children, kiss a frog, wear a tiara and cut out some paper dolls together with your kids.

Her obituary:

Becauthe the talkth like thith...

After 2.5 years hemming and hawing and trying to figure out therapy and schedules, we finally started L. on speech therapy. Her first session was today, and she skipped merrily off with her therapist. Literally. It completely cracked up the entire waiting room as she flipped her ponytail back and forth.

They have begun work on the letter 's' which I cannot recall having ever heard L. pronounce properly. This includes the times she and I have stood in front of the bathroom mirror practicing. The little mite just can't seem to keep her tongue back on the right side of her teeth.

She came skipping back to me after her session, pretty pleased with herself. The dark cloud fell when I told her she had to go back to school so I could go to work. When she threatened to run away from me, I informed her that threatening to run off was not okay at all. My response made her start to cry... Mommy guilt is in huge overdrive today.

Ah, well, I am taking vacation two days next week and plan to spend one of them with the L.-bug. Maybe spending the day together will ease the guilt a trifle.

Meanwhile, Mr. W. and I will have to sort out schedules for taking L. to her 10:30 appointment twice a week. It is inconvenient timing, but I am grateful that she is going to a very reputable clinic that is part of the local university. I am also grateful that the cost for a semester of one hour/week therapy time is costing us a grand total of $50.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Red Letter Day

Miss A., after weeks of struggling, has managed to put her shoes on. The velcro is undone and the shoes are on the wrong feet, but she did it all by her little lonesome.

Of course, I had taken her shoes OFF in order to get her ready to take a nap... This one has a defiant streak a mile wide.

Ham soup for breakfast

It's Saturday morning in the Wheezer household. S. played a basketball game this morning. We signed L. up for tee-ball, and A. has gone happily about her way.

I missed breakfast thanks to being blessedly slow to get ready this morning. Now that the younger two girls and I are back home, I decided to get some breakfast. Mr. W. made some really delicious ham soup earlier this week, and it really hit the spot.

While I have been eating L. and A. have been amusing themselves with Liza, the cat. Both the girls and the cat seem to be enjoying themselves, and the running commentary from L. has been hilarious.

L.: Liza tripped A. (complete with the singsong tattletale tone).
Mrs. W.: Liza makes everybody trip.
L.: What about Nadya? (our other cat)
Mrs. W.: Eliza makes Nadya run away.
L.: Why?
Mrs. W.: She is shy.
L.: Why?
Mrs. W.: Why do you ask so many questions? It's just in her nature.
L.: Why?

While playing with a feathery, jingly cat toy.

L.: Here, A. shake it like this and then throw it.
A. shakes and throws. Liza ignores the toy.
L. picks up the toy, shakes and throws again, this time beaning the cat. Liza runs off.
L.: Mom, why did Liza run away?

After I spotted L. tracking Liza with a big blanket.

Mrs. W.: Don't you put that blanket on the cat.
L. putting down the blanket dejectedly: Okay, I won't.

L.: Look! Liza let A. pet her!

L.: Mom! Can I pick up Liza? She touched me, but she didn't scratch me!

L.: Mama! Mama! She's giving her a bath. (As Liza attempts to groom herself despite the 'help' of two little girls.)

Liza is the world's most tolerant cat. Or at least, she is in the top 10. In the nearly 8 years she has been subjected to children, she has not scratched, bit, yowled or hissed at any of my kids. She has had ample provocation, too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Hope Suit

At the beginning of my pregnancy with S., I had bleeding issues. Lots of bleeding issues. Bleeding issues that led my doctor to give me a hug and tell me he was so sorry I had to go through this with my first pregnancy. He told me anything could happen, but that this pregnancy did not look healthy. I should be warned that it was likely I would miscarry.

I was a mess. I cried, I prayed, I begged God to let me keep this baby.

And I continued to bleed.

Blood tests came back with hormone levels rising normally.
Ultrasound came back with a little heartbeat fluttering away.

And I continued to bleed. In fact, the bleeding became heavier.

Mr. W. found me in the shower sobbing one morning when I had passed a clot. He hugged me and insisted that I was still pregnant.

That was the day I went shopping. I needed a talisman, a solid object I could look at and take comfort in. I drove to WalMart hoping to find the perfect stuffed animal or baby blanket. Instead, I found a white Winnie the Pooh sleeper with green trim around the cuffs and little pictures of Pooh, Tigger and Piglet all over. It was a size 6 to 9 months.

I can remember holding it tight and trying not to cry in the middle of the store. When I got home, I hung the sleeper up in the middle of my closet. Every morning when I got dressed, I would stroke the little suit and say a little prayer of hope.

The bleeding continued. It lasted 30 miserable, emotional, crazy days. But I was still pregnant, and on April 17, 2002, I gave birth to a squalling, healthy baby girl weighing 10 lbs 3 oz and measuring 22.5 inches long.

I do not credit the Hope Suit, as I've come to call it, with giving me a healthy baby. However, I did come to understand how much a physical object can come to mean to a person.

PS: All three of my daughters have worn the Hope Suit at some point in their lives.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Poem in Three Lines

Dedicated to the idiot who drives the little red car I see zipping in and out through traffic more mornings than I can count:

It is after eight,
You are already late,
Please SLOW. DOWN.

Thank you.